Message via Transcendence about the future fate of planet Earth, Galaxy Milky Way and this Universe
Deconstruction OF THE UNIVERSE
As this whole Universe is infected by an intergalactic parasite Dajjal, it is necessary to extract and then deconstruct the whole Universe. We will do it via black holes and other instruments and co-workers. The whole Universe will be covered into a protective sphere to shield the rest of the Existence. We sealed on 17.10.2023 this Universe for the purposes of Dajjal's extraction, following deconstruction into less than nano-particles and Final Judgement.
The last trumpets blow
On the metaphysical level and on the level of parallel realities will be Dajjal and its followers destroyed by Allah. The metaphysical World will be totally deconstructed by Allah. Dajjal will be destroyed or shava'ed also on level of another realities by Kali.
Rest of the World, not touched or only lightly injured by Dajjal will prepare for the Trial on the transcendental level. From the injured the most injured will immediately fall to planet Hell and will not be able to enter the Trial. The rest will wait for the Trial or the analysis of the Transcendence for that being. Based on a set of universal rules will this being become a part of one of the three Worlds - Planet Hell, New Earth or Higher Spheres.