Only Divine Triads can play divine chess. It doesn't matter if they are feminine or masculine. Absolute Divine Triads are those who have established spiritual system, have a symbolic artifact in The Ark of the Covenant and also have their living incarnate in matter, ergo flesh and bones.
So all the different stories and religions, Gods and Goddesses, one or whole groups... The highest ones have Absolute Triads. Because Triads change whole Universes. Triad can challenge Triad. Triad can judge Triad. Those are the rules of the game of this Existence and the game will never let you go.
The female polytheistic Triad of Goddesses Black Light - I'Teh - Kali challenged the male Abrahamic Triad, which is considered to be unique and exceptional, but in fact went sick on exceptionalism as the first Mono God Jahve (JHWH) was infected by the intergalactic parasite Dajjal coming from outher Aufram. Second part, the Christ consciousness, provided a testimony about it. And the last part, Allah, uncovered himself as Dajjals Nemesis and changed position in the second game. Now, in the second game, we have only Dajjal who formed a new Triade playing against the female polytheistic Triade. Four players per each side are permitted after "Hold".
As the first game ended in Pat with Combination, ergo quite neutral result, the female polytheistic Triade made a sacrifice in flesh and started second round with the right for setting of conditions for second game and first move in the second game of Divine Chess.
- female polytheistic Triade will keep the black color also in the second game and will set conditions in scope of the rules of this Existence
- the price for the winner is The Ark of the Covenant
Second Divine chess game ended in summer 2024 with freeze and Zugzwang for the side of Dajjal. As the female divine Triade is in advantage, it asks for third game, the battle of Armageddon for the price, the Ark of the Covenant. You can watch how this will develop here:

First move done by female polytheistic Triade was an attack done by the group Escampeur at the White Rider, Justin Trudeau. As the other side doesn't want to remove this fallen figure from the playing ground, female polytheistic Triade demands a penalty.
Demanded penalty:
When the other side does not remove Justin Trudeau until 1.10.2023 midnight, the whole North American Continent consisting of Canada, USA and Mexico will disappear in the Ocean. It will be thrown at Dajjals head as punishment for not accepting the fair rules of this Existence and the game!
Addition: The other side sent yesterday (30.9.2023) the angel Erael with a script asking for prolonging the "Hold" of the game, period set for the removal of the fallen figure until 8.10.2023. This demand was denied.
No exceptions! One rule!