The Ark of the Covenant is an ancient artifact brought to planet Earth by first Gods who came down here. At home in the Middle East, Manat, the pre-islamic Goddess gave a present to I'Teh and her family, which was put into this Ark. But later, this artifact was stolen by those who left Egypt. Gods who have their artifacts inside, can fight for it and claim all souls from this World. As Mana is inside, female divine Triade has the right to fight for it. Legitimation for female divine Triade was granted with predictions of female divine Power in the End Times in all three Abrahamic religions, which are in fact Poly Mono gamic. 

Two sides are playing Divine Chess for price of the Ark of the Covenant. 
Female Divine Triade against Dark Triade of Dajjal. 
Game 1 : Hold
Game 2 : Freeze with Zugzwang, advantage female divine Triade 
Game 3 : the battle of Armageddon for the Ark of the Covenant after the Fall of North American Continent

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